Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Sore throat from the mucus draining down my throat, i think?

Well i keep having to spit out mucus. And my throat is really sore. What should i do, im only 12.Sore throat from the mucus draining down my throat, i think?
It sinuses, tell your parent(s) to get you some sudafed or some sinus medication. Mine his horrible right now. If it gets really bad ask your doc about flonase. Unforcanitly sometimes even the best sinus meds don't help (thats me right now). Hope you feel better!
Do you think it's allergies? I have had a sore throat for a couple weeks now w/ spring coming. Try to take some allergy medicine w/ decongestant in it. You can drink hot tea to help with the sore throat.
Try drinking hot tea to soothe your sore throat. You shouldn't try to cough out your mucus because that may irritate your throat further. If you want more sore throat tips and remedies, visit and click on the sore throat link on the left.
You very likely do have what is known as a post-nasel drip, and yes, your throat is likely to become inflamed and sore as a result (I have had this problem for many years).
You probably have a slight allergy to something such as pollen, grass, cat fur or any one of a variety of other things. If it is possible, get your folks to have you allergy tested.
If the above is not possible for financial reasons, speak to your local pharmacist about providing you with an anti-histimine especially formulated for allergies.
You are likely to find that the "allergy" causing the post-nasel-drip is seasonal, so you will only need to take the anti-histimine when needed.
Please do not simply take any kind of medication. It is really important that it is provided by a professional person.
Look after yourself and be safe
Sounds like a sinus infection.

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